Questions for an expert:
Can you inform us how dangerous coffee can be?
What are the physical side effects from coffee?
What are the psychological side effects?
What effect does coffee have on society nowadays?
Can coffee be a part of a healthy diet?
Can you inform us with some interesting facts about coffee?
What age should people drink coffee?
Why does coffee have such an acquired taste?
In three words describe coffee?
Do you agree with Peter Rogers statement that “We do feel a boost from caffeine in the morning but that is probably due to a reversal of the withdrawal symptoms”?
Questions for a coffee worker:
Do you like the smell of coffee?
Have your opinions changed due to working with coffee?
What effect do you think coffee has on society?
Do you think the taste of the coffee is an acquired one?
Are there any other tasting coffees out there?
Could you enlighten us to some interesting or unusual facts about coffee?
Why is the coffee industry so successful?
Describe coffee in three words?
In your opinion, what is the purpose of coffee?
Do you think coffee should come with a health warning?
Questions for coffee drinkers:
What impact does coffee have on your life?
Do you feel you could last a day without coffee? Is coffee the first thing you think about when waking up?
Does this scare you slightly?
Did you know that the recommended daily intake of coffee is four cups? Do you exceed this amount?
Why do you drink coffee?
Do you feel coffee has improved your social life?
Stranded on a desert island, three items you can take, would coffee be one?
What effects do you feel if you haven’t drunk coffee?
In three words describe coffee?
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